What is a PLC?
What is a PLC?
What is a PLC? (Programmable Logic controller tutorial)
The video below is designed to give the most simple understanding of what is a PLC and and what a PLC does. Great to share with High Schoolers, engineers not in an automation control field, or in management. For those just learning of a PLC, should you want training, http://bin95.com/plc_training.htm come highly recomended. If you or your employees have PLC training needs, see the left hand menu of PLC Training options at the above site.Also if you have already started the journey to becoming a PLC expert, instrumentation and controls technician or automation controls professional and want to see what courses and in what order you should take to meet your objectives, please see http://bin95.blogspot.com/2012/02/path-to-plc-expertise.html
Don (Follow me on Industrial Skills Training Blog and on Twitter @IndTraining .)Be sure to add me to your Google+ circles to stay on top!
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